Friday, June 29, 2012

Hot and Sexy Sizzling Legs!

This workout will help you get those hot legs that you have been yearning for.  Do each exercise 10 times unless noted, each circuit is repeated 4 times.  Let's get moving!

Circuit one- no weights used
Quick Squat
Alternating Reverse Lunges (20 total- 10 on each leg)
Plie Jump Squat-  turn those toes out
Forward Stepping Lunge- alternating

Circuit 2- choose the heaviest weight that you have
Sumo Squats- legs are as wide as you can get them, squat nice and deep
Walking Lunges with a straight Leg raise to the back- 60- 30 on each leg
Step Ups- find a sturdy hair and step up on to the chair and back down
Squat with a side leg raise- 40 alternating
Calf Raise- 50
Plie Squats- get the feet out wide and those toes turned out

Finish out with a wall sit- hold for 30 sec- 3 times

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Rainy Day take 2

Jog in place 2 min

High knees- 30 sec
Quick Squats- 30 sec
Burpees- 30 sec
Tricep pushups- 30 sec
Rest for 30 sec
Repeat 4 times

3 min jump rope

Step ups- use a chair or bench (holding weights)- 10 on each leg
Bicep Curl into a shoulder press- 10
Tricep kickbacks- 10
Plie Squat with upright row- 10
Repeat 4 times

3 min jump rope

plank row- 20- alternaing
chest press- 10
chest flies- 10
rest 30 sec
repeat 4 times

laying side leg raises- 40 each leg

40 bicycle crunches
reptile plank- 20
plank bringing knees to inside to opposite elbow- 20
repeat 3 times

Monday, June 4, 2012

Rainy Day workout

1.  Jumping jacks for 1 min
2.  Burpees for 1 min
3.  10 push ups, plank on forearms for 30 sec- 4 sets
4.  1 min of bicycle crunches
5.  Squats with weights into a calf raise with shoulder press- 4 sets of 15
6.  Reverse Lunges with bicep curl- 3 sets of 10 on each leg
7.  Burpees for 1 min
8.  Jumping Jacks for 1 min
9.  Plie Squats with lateral raise- 4 sets of 10
10.  Jump Squats- 4 sets of 10
11.  1 minute of mountain climbers
12.  4 sets of 10 tricep push ups
13.  1 min mountain climbers
14.  Reptile- 4 sets of 20
15.  Back extension- 40
16.  plank for 1 min